First Hand Witness
Dig the Panoply.
Astounding -- in scope, span, vista, variety, clockwork, shine, plumbing and
Semantic Woolery. The physiognomy. The very phyzz of Amazement. Whack. Ingenuous,
unalloyed joy. Here you find first-hand account of all that people have enjoyed
from the curative, transformative agents inside
Pferdzwackür's Elixir.
Zen Mind abides the very concept of Concept as if
it weren't real. What, pray tell, is the point? Thought is illusory.
Samsara is Samsara. Underneath, there is Mind, mindful of nothing underneath. Etcetera.
What has this to do with happiness?
Thousands of real people have discovered, imbibed, and reaped the rewards of
Pferdzwackür's Elixir.
There are lazy, casual cynics who care not to study the scientifick record,
who scream, "It's all in your head! It's not real!"
To what does such histrionic numb humbuggery refer? The malady, or the cure?
Who cares? There is only quibbling to be done with the nay-sayers.
Here, you have the chance to read first-hand reports of the cures and
effects of the Elixir.
All of these stories are somewhat more than 100% true. They
have all been corroborated, where possible, by members of the government.*
Where such corroboration has been impossible, extensive follow-up research has
been excercised, with geiger counters, and super high-pressure liquid
chromatography, to insure the accuracy of statements here made.
Any questions should be directed to Pferdzwackur's